The AmpMyContent Blog
Learn everything you need to know about Content Marketing, SEO, and Content Promotion.
Grab a coffee, make notes, take action, and see results.

How to Speed Up Your WordPress Site in 4 Easy Steps
Ever get frustrated waiting for a website to load? You’re not the only one, and it’s a common problem that

How To Create A Responsive WordPress Website
Thinking of updating and optimizing your WordPress site for mobile but not sure how to go about it? The good

Mobile Content Marketing: The Definitive Guide For 2024
So what is mobile content marketing? Well, it used to be a term we used to refer to marketing campaigns
Why You Need To STOP Writing Content, If You Want To Get Traffic
Here’s the thing about Content Marketing. We all want traffic to our websites because more traffic means more sales, leads,
Targeted Ads: The Secrets Of Audience Targeting And Algorithms
The most important part of running profitable ads? Right message To the Right audience Good news? You already know WHO
How To Know If You’re Getting A Positive Return On Ad Spend
The biggest problem that people have with paid ads, is not worrying if they’re set it up correctly. Oh no,
I Was A Podcast Guest On 60+ Shows In 90 Days: Here’s How You Can Do The Same, For Free
48 million… That’s how many people listen to podcasts each and every week. It’s a huge marketing channel, and the
How We Drive A $22:1 ROI From Cold Traffic, Using Paid Content Promotion
Are you writing content that your audience loves, but you just can’t get enough readers to it? You know it
How To Write Killer ‘Ad Copy’ That Converts
Here’s the thing about advertising: Most people think that a winning advert happens because of the image. Sure its important,
How To Test Facebook Ads: A 5 Phase Strategy To Go From Failing To Profitable
Fear of failing is what stops most people from having a winning advert, because they want it to be profitable
How To Stop Writing Fluff And Start Creating ‘Killer’ Content That Works
Traffic, Leads, Sales. We all want them because they help us get so many other things: More free time, less
How To Grow Your YouTube Channel Fast
Growing a YouTube channel can be difficult right? No joke, there are people out there with hundreds of videos and
How To Get More Blog Subscribers Than Ever Before
If you’ve been following our series so far, then you’re about to get some serious traffic. The kind of traffic
How I got 561.6% more organic traffic, $1 leads, and shared by the biggest influencer’s (All in just 90 days)
Today I’m going to share a promotion strategy that’s helped grow our organic traffic by 561.6% in just 90 days.
Ad Tracking: How To Set Up Conversion Tracking For Facebook Ads
Is this even working? That’s the biggest question that people have, when it comes to paid ads. Not everyone though.
How To Research Your Audience To Write High Converting Ads
There’s no way around it. Most marketers create ads that fail. Its not the image or the design that’s the
Ad Design 101: How To Create Simple Images That Attract And Convert
Every day your audience is bombarded with marketing and information 24/7. Its a wall of noise out there, so how