- Is it losing money?
- Is it profitable?
Ad Tracking 101 AKA ‘How To Know If Your Ad Is Making Money’
We recently wrote an article called Why You Need To STOP Writing Content, If You Want To Get Traffic Its the backbone of our methodology We believe that if you want to get results with your content marketing, then you need to promote, far more than you create (Especially if you’re a small business) And so we started promoting that article… We ran some low cost ads to attract a brand new, cold audience We did the math and found out that we could afford to spend up to $15 per lead This gave us ‘goal posts’ to aim for A max price we could afford to pay to get a new subscriber or customer, to our business Its all good knowing how much you can pay… …but we still needed to be able to track those results By setting up conversion tracking, we’re able to measure our ads performance: Pretty cool right? We could spend up to $15, but are getting leads for just $4 Now bad So now we could see how the ads were performing, and improve as needed Not only that? We could even track those results to sales further down the line… With just a few clicks, we can see dollars in, and dollars out ROI right there on the screen… How’s that for peace of mind! The best part? You can do this exact same thing for your business… even if you just starting out, or have never tracked a campaign beforeThe 3-Simple Steps To Tracking (And Measuring) Your Ad Campaigns
Just like the other chapters, we’ve broken this down so its nice and easy In fact? The whole set up takes about ten minutes to do…Step #1: Set up tracking for every page of your website Step #2: Track conversions with a ‘success’ page Step #3: Set up your ads dashboard to see those resultsEasy right? Let me break it all down for you This way you can see how this chapter ties in with the whole process… So a quick recap: You’re running cold ads to drive traffic to a piece of content In that content there is a Hyper Specific ‘Next Step’ Offer (A lead magnet on overdrive) If the reader opts in and gives their email, they are then taken to a ‘success page’ where they can get their bonus On this success page is a tracking pixel, that records this result The pixel then provides feedback to Facebook, so they know how effective the ad is, how many leads are captured, and how much each lead cost you This then gives you data to both know that:
- Yes the ad is working, and
- Gives you a performance cost (So you can adjust and improve your ads)
Step #1: Track Every Page
You’re going to start by tracking all the traffic to your website How? By installing the ‘Facebook Tracking pixel’ Its a line of code that allows you to track visitors who have clicked on your ad, and then converted on your article… Don’t freak out because its real simple to set up (On some websites you literally copy and paste it across) Go ahead and click here to open up the Facebook Events manager page (Opens in new tab) The pixel creation page should look like this… Click the ‘Get started’ button This loads up a new pop up window… (If you only have a Facebook personal account and not a business one, you can click to upgrade it for free- this gives you a few more advertising options etc) Go ahead and click the blue ‘Create’ button You’ll see a confirmation like this… Boom! That’s the pixel created (Told you it was easy eh?) So now you need to install it on your website Go ahead and click the ‘Manually install the code yourself’ option (Don’t worry- its really easy to install and we’ll walk you through it all…) A new pop up will appear Scroll down until you see the section called ‘Copy the pixel code and paste into your header’ See the box of website code? Click that code and it will copy it to your clipboard (The box will turn blue) This will allow you to ‘copy and paste’ the code in just a second… OK so now you have the code ready Good job! There are 2 ways to install your new pixel:- Directly into you Web theme, or
- Into the Header File
Option #1: Install The Code Into Your Website Theme
Go ahead and load up the backend of your website In this example I’m logging into a WordPress site, that’s using a Thrive Theme template Thrive Themes have a special option where you can install your pixel code, simply by copying it into a box and hitting save It looks like this… Easy right? OK so let me show you where to find it… Scroll down your left hand menu and look for your theme dashboard Your theme might have something similar (It might be called ‘Theme Options’ etc) Your looking for an option usually called ‘Analytics’ or ‘Tracking Scripts’ Why? Because the code for pixels and tracking scripts are usually copy + pasted to the same location… Simply find the box that says ‘Header Script’ and then paste your pixel code into the box Then all you need to do is hit save… Easy right? If you managed to install your pixel, then scroll down to step 2 If your website didn’t have this option? No problem…Option #2: Install The Code Into Your Website Header
This may seem a little scary, but its real easy You’re going to copy and paste the code into the ‘header’ file of your website Head across to the left hand menu of your WordPress backend, and scroll down until you see ‘appearance’ Then click on ‘editor’… This will load up the files that make your website Scroll down the right hand menu, until you see a file called ‘header.php’ It looks like this… Click on the ‘header.php’ file It will load up the code for the header section of your website (That’s the bar at the top of your website which has your menu in it etc) You’re going to enter your pixel code here Why? Because the header is on every page of your site, so its the perfect place to track every page visitor The header file looks like this… You need to paste your code in a specific place in this file Find the section that says <head> (It should be near the top of the page) You need to paste your Facebook pixel just underneath this This is the only part where you need to be careful To make sure you don’t mess up any code, leave a blank space either side of your pixel code How? Simply click the line underneath where it says <head> Then press ‘Enter’ on your keyboard 3 times… Easy right? Once you have that gap, find the middle line Then simply right click + paste, to copy your code into the header It should look like this… Easy right? Leaving a gap either side just makes sure that the code all works correctly So now the final step is just to save the change you just made Scroll down the page until you see a blue button called ‘update file’… Click that and you’re pixel is added Easy right? Now to just check it works…Verify That Your Pixel Is Working
Super quick step You’re just going to check that your pixel is working correctly, and tracking your audience How? By using a free plugin called ‘Chrome Pixel Helper’ (You need Google Chrome to use it) Click this link here to load up the pixel helper plugin in Chrome… (If you don’t have Chrome, it’ll allow you to download it from that link also) Go ahead and click the green button in the top right, to install the plugin Easy right? Once Chrome is loaded up, head across to your website… See the grey box in the top of your Chrome screen? That’s the pixel helper! So how do you know if your pixel is working? Well if the pixel helper stays grey, it means the pixel isn’t working… (Usually because you didn’t leave a blank line above and below the code) But if it turns blue with green arrows, then its all good! Huzzah So now your pixel is tracking your audience, lets walk you through how to track your conversions…Step #2: Your Success Page (And HSO’s)
OK so now your pixel is all set up and tracking your audience What you need to do now, is create a ‘custom conversion’ for Facebook to track This way you can then measure those results Its a simple process:- Someone reads your article and opts in for your Hyper Specific Offer,
- Then they get forwarded to a unique success page for that article
- These article subscribers are the only people who ever see this page, and so your pixel tracks those visitors
Create Your Success Page
Log in to your backend menu in WordPress In the left hand menu, click on ‘Add New Page’… Go ahead and give the page a name, and then save it This will then give you a unique URL for the page (You’ll need this URL in a second for your custom conversion tracking…) Now you just need to create the page Go ahead and give the page:- A headline so they understand they are in the right place
- Give them their bonus that they opted in for
- And say thanks…
Step #3: Set Up Your Conversion Goals
So now you have your unique success page and its unique URL Its probably something like: “yourwebsite.com/article-X-success-page”… You need the URL of that page to set up conversion tracking Go ahead and open up that success page, so you can copy and paste the URL in just a second (Keep it open in a new tab) Then head across to your Facebook ads manager Click this link here to open the ‘Custom Conversions’ section It should look like this… Click the blue button called ‘Create Custom Conversion’ A new pop up will appear on the page It looks like this… Start off by selecting the ‘event trigger’ This is simply telling Facebook what to track and how to classify it Choose ‘All URL traffic’ Then scroll down to the next option and choose URL contains Go ahead and paste the URL of your success page that you just created, in this box… Super important: Its vital that you use the success page URL, and NOT the URL of the article you want to promote Why? Because you only want to track those who convert and optin right? That’s why you’re tracking the success page visitors, and not the article visitors… Go ahead and give it a name you’ll remember Then select the ‘Lead’ category so that Facebook will understand that these conversions are new subscribers Finally, you can add a monetary value to this lead… Remember back in chapter 2 where you figured out how much a lead was worth to your business? By adding this value here, you can track your lead cost and value in your ads dashboard So go ahead and enter the lead value that you figured out in chapter #2 SideNote: You need to write out your value, without a decimal place So if the lead is worth $4.97, then you write 497 instead (If you’re not sure, you should be able to see the value appear under the box like so…) Finally, click the blue ‘Create’ button to finish Super easy right? Now Facebook will be able to track the visitors to your success page AND tell you the value of those visitors You can then use this to know the ROI of your ads, and see it right there on the screen To do that? You need to customize your ads dashboard…Customize Your Ads Manager Dashboard
Super quick final task Head across to your ads manager We going to tweak your dashboard to and include your new conversion pixel as a result That way, you’ll be able to see who’s opting, how much it costs and more… Here I can see on my dashboard, that my ads are profitable You can customize your dashboard however you like I recommend adding:- The custom conversion itself
- The cost per custom conversion
- The total value of those conversions
- Cost per optin
- Value per optin
- Etc
- Make sure you have a page that customers go to after they purchase
- Set up tracking on that page
- Create a custom conversion for that sale, and add the value of that sale
To Do Now:
That’s your ad tracking all set up Its important to do this BEFORE you start running your ads (This way you’ll be able to measure the exact costs and see their performance) Not only will it help you sleep easier at night? But now you’ll also be able to improve your ad, and measure changes in its performance This will then help you to lower costs, improve CTR and more By now you’re probably excited to get started Its almost time to start running those new adverts to your content But to run those adverts? You can’t just show them to anyone and hope they’ll convert (Unless your advert is simply amazing) When it comes to running and testing ads? You need to be strategic with who you target, and why…Whenever you’re ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:
1. Future Proofed Content: This is my comprehensive writing training. It’s the exact systems I’ve refined over a decade of Content Marketing – improved with AI assistance. The course walks you through my entire writing process step-by-step, so you can follow along and create content of your own.
In just 90 minutes, you can create a long-form, unique, Google-friendly article from scratch, with zero worries about Google penalties or plagiarism.
The post you just read? Yep – it was created with this process.
2. Subscribe to the AmpMyContent blog: I share in-depth case studies, guides and tutorials every month. All designed to help you get more from your efforts. Perfect for small teams and one man blogs who want maximum results.
3. Subscribe on YouTube: Watch video versions of all articles, as well as quick tips, advice, behind-the-scenes, and more.