Every day your audience is bombarded with marketing and information 24/7.
Its a wall of noise out there, so how do you stand out?
By now you understand your audience, and have a message that resonates, and gets them to take action.
But to get that message in front of them?
You have to stop them in their tracks. That’s the goal of the image.
To stop them from scrolling through their News Feed, read your ad, and the click across to your article.
Because if you can’t get their attention, then it doesn’t matter how good your content is, because they won’t see it…
Good news?
Ad design is not that hard.
In this chapter I’m going to walk you through a step-by-step process to create images, that almost guarantee you’ll get more clicks to your content.
Keep reading to learn how…
Killer Ad Design: How To Make Ad ‘Creatives’ That Get Your Readers To Take Action
Your adverts image is super important
Not only does take up around 70% of the ad space…
But its more than that…
In fact, it could be said that the image is THE MOST important element
Because if the reader doesn’t care about your image, then you fail to get their attention
And if that happens?
Then the audience scrolls past, and you waste money…
Even worse?
It means they never click on the ad, and so never read your article…
Not great right?
You NEED that image to connect with the audience
Because if the ad resonates?
Not only do people click on it and go read your article?
…But it can also
Not bad eh?
That’s a whole heap of benefits- all from just improving the image
So what makes the difference between a winning ad, and one that fails?
Honestly not that much
Let me explain…
Why Ads Fail
Its usually 2 things that cause an ad to fail
Either they focus on themselves, and not the customer
The customer doesn’t care about you
They care about themselves
If the ad doesn’t make it clear how you help them, then they ignore it
The other reason?
They focus on being ‘interesting’, instead of effective…
Your goal is to get that person to click across on your ad, and go across to your content
Interesting ads may win awards, but they don’t get sales or clicks
The good news?
Successful ad design follows a simple formula
In fact?
There are just 3 major areas to a high converting image:
- The Hero Shot (The focal point that connects with the reader that you want to target)
- The Call To Action that gets the reader to take action,
- The Design Layout
No joke, that’s all you need
This is a perfect example below…
I love this ad because it hits all 3 elements
Let me break them down for you…
Killer Ad Design Element: The Hero Shot
The hero shot is what connects and speaks to the reader that you’re trying to attract
Its the main focus of the ad
Its always based around some kind of emotional connection, or ‘need’ that the reader has
In this example the hero shot appeals to a specific audience
They see themselves in the image, and so it connects with them, and they pay attention
Easy right?
(There are a bunch of different ‘needs’ that you can use for the hero shot, and we’ll break them all down later on…)
Killer Ad Design Element: The Call To Action
You will always get more response to an advert if you:
- ASK them to take an action, and
- Tell them HOW to take the action
Its seriously crazy how many people miss this
Advertising is all about simplicity
If you can remove any ambiguity, you’ll improve the response
Its as simple as
- Do you want this?
- Then do this
That’s all you need…
Killer Ad Design Element: The Ad Layout
Finally you have the layout or background
Its what ties the design together
All this needs to do is:
- Stand out in the News feed, and
- Bring focus to the Hero shot and the CTA
It should be as simple as possible, so as to not distract from the other elements
In this example it has:
- Simple plain background
- 2-tone colour that blends in, and draws focus to the hero shot and cta
- A simple diagonal line helps it stand out
- The darker colour helps make the text easier to read
- It takes the colour of the CTA from a small element in the image, so it stands out
Even better?
This colour is actually part of her brand aesthetic
If you were to click on the ad, it then ties into the page that it takes you to…
This is called ‘congruence’
In simple terms?
It helps the reader feel like they are in the right place, and didn’t click on the wrong thing
Easy right?
But that all you need:
- Hero Shot
- CTA, and
- Background layout
Make sure to hit those elements, and your ad will succeed
Even better?
By building around these elements, it makes the ad super easy to create…
The 3-Simple Steps To Designing Killer Ad Creatives
Just 3 simple steps
Step #1: Brainstorm the image to meet a reader ‘need’
Step #2: Draft the layout
Step #3: Create the image in layers
Let me break it down for you…
You start off by coming up with a list of different Hero shot ideas
How do you come up with the ideas?
You base them off the core emotional ‘needs’ that drive people
(This way you know your ad will get their attention)
Then you cheat…
You look at layouts and examples from other ads, to get design inspiration
Find the one you like, and then sketch it out on paper
This helps speed up the creation process and avoid that whole ‘blank screen of doom’ that can stop you before you start…
Once you have a rough design, its time to create it in ‘layers’
- You create the background
- Then you add the hero shot on top
- And then you add the call to action
Easy right?
By building it in layers, you can create it much easier and faster
Its so simple that you can use this EXACT same process to design killer ads for your own business…
…even if your ‘creative side’ consists of stick figures and smiley faces
Step #1: Brainstorm Your Hero Shot Angle
You need to create an image that connects with your audience
The only thing?
People are weird
We’re all motivated by different needs and emotions…
- Self Identity (to see ourselves in the advert)
- Need for Certainty and to remove anxiety
- Need for Uncertainty and to create excitement
- Need to feel Significance from others
- Need for Connection from others
- Need for Growth and struggle
- Need to Contribute and give
The goal of your image, is to try and connect with one of those needs
This way it will appeal to your audience, and get their attention
The only problem?
You don’t know which appeal will work best with your ad, until you test them
So here’s what you’re going to do for this step:
- Write down each ‘need’ on a notepad
- Come up with an image idea, to represent each of those needs
Easy right?
So all you need to do, is come up with an idea to match each need
Let me break them all down so you can get some ideas…
The ‘Self Identity’ Hero Shot
Most people when looking at an advert, scan it first
They ask
“Who is this ad for?”
By showing the target audience in the advert, it helps them say
“Hey this is for people just like me!”
They see themselves in it, and so they pay attention
This example is great because it speaks to the ideal audience that it wants to attract:
It speaks to female business owners who are doing well, but want to improve
Simple right?
For this angle to connect, you need to know how the target audience see’s themselves
(Not how the world sees them…)
See the difference?
You have to appeal to how they sees themselves, or others who are like them…
The Need For Certainty
This need is based around control
To not feel helpless and remove anxiety
- To feel control and know whats coming
- To feel safe and secure and lower risk
- To remove bad surprises
- To have you bills paid and not to worry about things…
If your audience is anxious, then you can use this story appeal to help them feel confident when they move forward
(We call this ‘moving towards pleasure’…)
Easy right?
In this ad you see someone who’s overcome their fears and are happy
The thing is?…
Not everyone is motivated by pleasure
Some will only take action, if its to move away from pain instead
(That’s why headache tablets show someone in pain, rather than someone with a smiley face- because moving away from pain is a bigger motivator)
Here’s another ad by the same company…
Same product, and same appeal
But this time its focused on moving away from pain instead
Does that make sense?
If your audience has any anxieties about their problem, then you can appeal to this in your image to help get their attention
But like we said before- different people have different needs
In fact?
Some of them need the exact opposite…
The Need For Uncertainty/Variety/Excitement
Too much certainty leads to stagnation
If everything is OK, then we start to look for ways to break out of monotony or boredom
To have ‘good surprises’ and exciting events
To create drama so you feel something is happening (Its why trashy TV does so well)
You’ll be surprised how you can use this in your ad…
Even dinner can be exciting when you don’t know what the meal is going to be, AND you make an occasion out of it
Easy right?
So what excitement does your audience want or need (That your article can deliver on)?
How can you reflect that in your ad image?
Maybe its not excitement that’s driving them, but something else?…
The Need For Significance
This is one of the most frequent needs or angles in advertising
To feel important, special, or unique
- To feel different
- For exclusivity and to have what others do not
- To stand out among the crowd
- To be rich, or famous
- To have qualifications and importance
- To have hidden secrets that others don’t know
- To have bigger problems than others
- To have smaller problems than others
Sometimes its to spend more than the rest can afford…
And other times?
…to spend less and brag about a bargain
Those 2 ads?
The exact same company, but using that need for ‘significance’ to appeal to different parts of their audience
So what does your audience want?
What will make them feel unique or different?…
The Need For Connection/Love
We’re social creatures
We need to feel loved or to love others
It helps us to feel alive, needed or connected
To feel intimacy, belonging or friendship
To belong to a tribe of similar ideas and beliefs
This need helps your audience feel connection to others, who are like themselves
Who is your audience?
Who do they want to belong to?
Who do they feel they belong to?
How can you help that come across in your ad design?…
The Need For Growth
To feel growth and improvement
To track and measure and see change from your actions
To overcome struggle and adversity- especially that which is chosen
To feel that we have value to give
To be more than we are, or our environment or previous experience
To feel confidence and self esteem…
Does your audience want to grow or get past a challenge?
How can you use that in your Hero shot to appeal to them?…
The Need For Contribution
To feel selfless and giving
To be kind and help others
To be empathetic to issues and help change them
To contribute and help others meet their core needs (Security, significance etc)
So there you have them
The core emotional ‘needs’
I know we’re going deep into this, but understanding these will help you design compelling ads
It sounds complex but it really isn’t
Its as difficult as:
- Understanding your audience and
- Choosing an image that ties into their emotions and drives
That’s all
Now there’s one final method you can use…
The Product Image Hero Shot
The final hero shot you can use, is the product itself
By showing the product appealing to one of those other needs
Either on its own, or in action…
What do you think smart belt means?
Its appealing to that need for significance
The product shot is great if you can show the product getting the result or removing the problem…
In this example we’re driving traffic to a new article
The article hook was how to write less and promote more
And so we showed an image of the ‘product’ (Which was the new article loaded up on a phone)
Then we showed the end result
Simple right?
It helps the audience connect with the end goal, and the product helps to draw attention
Make sense?
So that’s all of the different needs that you can base your hero shot ideas on
Go ahead and write down an image idea to represent each need:
All you need is ideas for now
Just list out each need, and then a potential image you think would reflect that (While tying into your audience)
Got them all done?
Now its time to sketch them out…
Step #2: Plan The Layout And ‘Steal’ Inspiration
You’re going to create some rough pen and paper sketches of those ideas
Because its always easier to design your ad if you have a blueprint to work from
Its like…
Imagine trying to write a book with no notes and a blank page:
Its super difficult!
That’s why successful writers follow writing systems instead…
Image design is the same thing
Once you have a rough sketch to work from, you can design it much faster
And I know what you’re thinking
“But Dan, all I have is an idea and some blank paper!”…
No problem at all buddy
In this step, you’re going to look at layouts from other adverts
This can then help inspire your own ad design
All you do?
- Go through swipe files of other ad designs
- Find a layout that you like that could fit your idea
- Sketch a version on paper
Easy right?
So lets dive in…
Swipe Some Design Examples…
I highly recommend you make your own swipe file
The easiest way?
Simply screenshot ads on your phone when you’re using Facebook…
Before long you’ll have a huge swipe file to use
(Just be sure to only ‘swipe’ those that stand out to you)
If you don’t have your own swipe file yet?
Go ahead and download Leadpages Facebook ads swipe file here
Want more examples?
Adespresso have a database of ads used in different industries
Click here to open it up in a new tab URL
You can search for ads in almost any industry
Go ahead and grab your pen and paper with your image ideas
Then search for News Feed images and see what comes up…
You can change the search settings to get better results
I’ll usually search for:
- Industry FIRST (To see whats out there in my field, and get broad ideas)
- Then brand names of competitors/influencers
- Then angles around my hook
This can help show some cool designs and help you get layout ideas
Keep going through until you find a layout that you think will work for your idea
For Example
I was looking for a product hero shot, and found this design…
When I saw this, it immediately stood out to me
I liked the layout, it had a before and after narrative, and it gave me an idea for my own ad
And so I used it to create one of my own ads…
Easy right?
By getting inspiration from this layout, it helped me design mine much easier
See how it works?
Now its your turn…
Go ahead now and look for an ad layout that you think can fit your own hero shot idea
Search for:
- Industry
- Brand
- Keyword ideas
Go through with one idea at a time, until a layout jumps out at you
Don’t be afraid to go outside your industry
You can usually find great examples in:
- Marketing
- Sports
- Health and fitness
Once you find a layout that you like, its time for some art class!
Sketch Your Own Version
Rough draft time
Grab your pen and paper and get sketching
Super Important:
All you need is a rough sketch
Don’t freak out on the quality!
Start by sketching the background layout first…
It doesn’t need to be pretty
Just mark out the background layout you want use, along with any colour’s ideas
(Notice how the background is quite simple, because the Hero shot is the main focus)
Once you’ve done that, sketch out the Hero shot idea and a rough CTA…
Easy right?
Now you’ve got a rough sketch to work from when you use the design tools
Before you sketch out the rest of your ideas, add some quick notes to your design
This way you won’t forget any key details
(Its also a great habit to have, if you want to outsource to a designer)…
I like to make notes on each key area…
- Any branding notes, ideas for contrasting colours, congruency notes etc
- What the Hero shot is ‘supposed’ to be
- Notes on position, size, colours and emotional context
- The call to action text
- Ideas for colours, fonts and cta location
Easy right?
Once you’ve finished sketching and adding notes, go through and sketch out a draft for each idea that you have
(This will then give you a heap of variations to create and test in the final chapter)
Once you have your sketches, its time to design them ready for Facebook…
Step #3: Design In Layers
The reason I showed you the stages to sketching, is because its the same process that we use when designing digitally
You’re going to create your ads in 3 parts
- The Background layout first
- Then add the Hero Shot
- Then add the CTA
You simply layer one on top of the other
Now I can’t give you a full run through of design-its just such a huge topic
The good news?
The tool we’re about to share is super easy to use AND they have a whole heap of guides on how to use it
Even better?
I’m going to walk you through step-by-step how I made this design…
All that really matters, is that you follow the 3 stage process when creating your own design
- Layout
- Hero shot
Lets walk you through each layer…
Create The Background Layout
Go ahead and log into Canva here:
Canva is a free design tool
It’s like a drag and drop version of Photoshop, but much easier to use
The first thing to do is select your ad size
(News Feed ads are a specific size)
Search for the ‘Facebook ad’ option, or set the custom dimensions to 1200 x 628 pixels
Once you click on it, a new tab will open
It looks like this…
We’re going to work from the rough sketch
I know your design may be totally different to mine
Canva has a whole heap of tutorials on there to help you with your design
In the interest of helping you see how this works, I’m going to walk you through how I made my design
So I started with the background layout
It had:
- The blurred version of WordPress on one side, and
- A coloured corner of the ad to place the hero shot…
We’re going to layer on the elements from back to front
I’m going to add the WordPress image first, and THEN put on the coloured section
So first thing I need to do is go get my images to use…
Its great for capturing images or recording videos
The best part?
You can capture the image you want to use, and then add it to you article in about 30 seconds later
If you’re used to the whole ?screenshot>Save file>photoshop>crop>save file etc this cuts down your content time like craaaaazzy)
Not only that, but its super easy to use
You simply highlight the area and copy it
I logged into my WordPress dashboard, and then captured the area I wanted to use…
Then once I had that image, I uploaded it to Canva
You simply click upload in the left hand menu
Then click the green upload button, find the image you want to use on your computer, and then you have it ready to use in Canva
Easy right?
Once the image is uploaded, select it and it’ll appear on the design section on the right…
In my image I wanted to blur out the background, but highlight one part of the text
Why blur it out?
Facebook only allows you to have so much text in an advert
By blurring it out, I could show the ad and it would intrigue those who know the WordPress dashboard
I went ahead and selected the filter option
Then I selected blur and blurred the background
The only issue?
The entire image is blurred now…
There’s an easy workaround
Simply add a 2nd, unblurred copy onto the design section
Then you can cut out the section we want to be readable
Easy right?
(This way we have an unblurred smaller section on top of the blurred out background)
Then you drag it into place…
Easy so far right?
That’s the first part of the layout complete
Now we need to add our colour block, to help us stand out in the news feed
We want to create a diagonal area across the right hand side of the image design, to match our sketch
To do this we simply click the elements section
This allows us to add shapes onto the design…
We then select the triangle option, and rotate it to suit
Then we can resize it to fill up the desired amount of area, and changed the colour setting to help it pop…
Easy right?
Your ad may be totally different, but can you see how easy it is to create using this tool?
Once you’ve finished your layout, its time to add the hero shot…
Add The Hero Shot
OK so its time to add the hero shot to your design
I’m going to walk you through a few options
- How to upload a hero shot that’s ready to use now
- How to remove the background of a hero shot, so that you can use it
- How to find a hero shot to use (If you don’t have one at all)
Lets walk through each of them…
How To Add A Hero Shot That’s Ready To Use
Real simple
If you already have an image to use (and has no background that needs removing) then simply upload it to Canva
Just drag it onto the design section to use it…
Easy right?
But what if the image has a background that you need to remove?…
How To Remove A Previous Background From A Hero Shot Image
In this example, we couldn’t use the image yet
Because the black background would cover the layout that we’ve already created…
So what can you do?
Its actually quite easy to fix
Go ahead and load up the image in Snagit…
Then you simply:
- Select the background area with the magic wand tool,
- Adjust the tolerance so that it doesn’t delete the hero shot section
- Delete the background
- Save as a .png file
Easy right?
Once you’re removed the background, go ahead and save the file
Then upload the edited image to Canva, so its ready to use
So that’s the first 2 methods
But what if you have a hero shot idea, but still need an image?
Well there’s a few thing you can do
- Find an icon in Canva
- Find a photo in Canva (And remove background)
- Find a png photo in Google (and remove the background if needed, and upload to Canva to use)
Lets walk you through each of them real quick…
Find An Icon Or Photo In Canva To Use
Head across to the left hand menu and click on the ‘elements’ button
Then simply search for your hero shot idea
(You can specify either icon or photo, and the options will load up)
In my example I wanted to show my article loaded up on a phone
And so I searched for phones…
Simply find the icon you want to use, and then drag it across to the image
The cool thing about this icon?
You can overlay an image inside the green ‘landscape’ part of the phone
I can drag my article image across, and it’ll cut it to fit inside
Like so…
Pretty cool right?
I just took a screenshot of my article with Snagit, and uploaded it to use
Then you drag and drop it into place, and Canva will trim it to fit
Some icons and photos will cost money to use
Here’s a top tip to save you cash
I’ll often reuse icons that I use in ads, again in my article header etc
(This way my design can be congruent from ad to page)
If you wanted to create multiple designs with the same icon, Canva would charge you for each time you used it
So the solution?
- Open up blank ‘new page’ in Canva
- Add the paid icon to the blank page
- Download and pay for it
- Remove the background and save as a png
Why bother?
Because now you can upload and use it again and again, but only pay for it that first time 😉
So what if you can’t find a photo inside Canva that you want to use?
Find Photos And Icons In Google
Super simple
Just search for your hero idea in Google, along with the word ‘.png’
This will then load up .png images that you can use…
Save the image, load it in Snagit and remove the background
Then upload it to Canva to use
You can even do the same and find icons instead
Simply search for your hero idea + ‘illustrated’ + ‘.png’
This will bring up icon versions instead…
Why do this?
It depends on your brand tone
I tend to use icons for my articles and ads, so it gives a similar aesthetic each time
So that’s your hero shot added
All that’s left to do now, is just add your Call To Action…
Add The Call To Action
Now you need to add text to your image
It needs to:
- Ask them to take an action
- Tell them how to take the action
Its as simple as that…
Want to jazz it up a little bit?
You can try:
- Adding 2 colours to the text
- Adding different fonts
- Adding different font sizes and line thicknesses
Don’t go crazy though
For Example:
Here is one of my own adverts, with its CTA
Its not a perfect ad design, but its working AND its profitable
Lets quickly walk you through how to create your own CTA
Hook Them In With What They Want
Head across to the ‘text’ section in the left hand menu of Canva
You have 2 options:
- Use the text templates, or
- Add your own text and edit to make snazzy
If you want to use the templates, simply scroll down the text options until you find one you want to use…
Then just drag it across to your design, and edit the text
If you don’t find a design you like?
Then scroll back up the text options to the Heading and subheading sections
This allows you to then add a single line of text on your design…
Go ahead and use the heading, sub head and body text to write your call to action
Simply click to add it to your design
Then you can adjust the size, thickness and font type of your CTA
If you want to make it stand out, you can adjust the colour of the text also…
Highlight the text you want to change
Then choose the colour in the top menu
Easy right?
OK so the final part (And possibly the most important)
Give Them An Action To Take
Its not enough to ask them if they want the thing
You HAVE to tell them how to get the thing and WHAT to do
No joke:
You’ll see a major lift in actions taken
Notice in the image below, we added a simple banner and TOLD THEM what to do…
Easy right?
(We could have improved it by saying ‘CLICK HERE’ instead)
So here’s how you add your own action
Go onto the left hand menu
You can search for an icon that you want to use- maybe a banner or a button…
Then you simply:
- Drag it across into position,
- Change the size and colour
- and add the text to tell them what to do
Easy right?
That’s your design done!
There’s just one more thing to check before you can use it…
Check Deliverability
You need to check that your ad will run
Well back in the day, Facebook wouldn’t show your advert if it had too much text on it
Nowadays they ‘will’ show it… but with a catch
If there’s too much text they will either show it less often OR charge you more for people to see it
Not cool right?
Fortunately you can test it first
Go ahead and download your ad design from Canva…
- Click the download button in the top menu
- Select png
- Then click the green download button
Your file will save to your downloads folder on your computer
Then head across to the FB text overlay checker HERE
Click the blue button and upload your new image
Facebook will then analyze the text in your ad, and let you know how it performs…
Your goal is to get the green tick with the ‘image text ok’
If you get any of the other options?
Then simply resize the text in your ad to make it smaller…
To Do Now:
That’s your ad image complete!
As long as you hit those 3 elements, then you’ll have a winning ad
Before you move ahead to the next chapter, remember that you DO NEED to create an image for each need of your audience
This way you can test and find a winning variation later on
(If time is short, I recommend making just 4 images for now)
Failing that?
You can hire a designer to make them for you…
Bonus Step: How To Hire An Ad Designer
Maybe you want to outsource the ad design?
Great news
Simply follow this guide until you get to step #3
By then you have:
- Your research done,
- Your ads inspiration (those you like the layout of)
- And your rough sketches with style notes and colours etc
At this point, you are in the perfect position to reach out to a designer to complete your design
Simply head across to a company like Design Pickle…
Design Pickle are ‘as you need’ design company
You pay a set monthly fee, and can get unlimited designs during that month
(Along with unlimited requests for tweaks and variations!)
Its real easy to work with them
Simply click the green button to sign up, and then create your account…
Once you’ve done that, a new page will load up
All you need to do?
- Give them the design information that you have so far
- Attach the files and sketches with notes and what files you need (Either jpeg or png)
- And then interact back and forth until you get the designs that you want!
Easy right?
The biggest thing when working with designers?
Make sure you give them as much information as possible
The less vague, the more likely you are to get what you want
Be sure to interact back and forth
Don’t leave it until the day you need to go live, before you check in on any changes etc
Easy right?
So that’s you masterclass in ad design
Once you’ve got them made?
Well then its time to set up some tracking for your ads…
This way you’ll know exactly how your ads are performing, and if they are profitable- right from day one
The best part?
It only takes around 5 minutes to do…
Whenever you’re ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:
1. Future Proofed Content: This is my comprehensive writing training. It’s the exact systems I’ve refined over a decade of Content Marketing – improved with AI assistance. The course walks you through my entire writing process step-by-step, so you can follow along and create content of your own.
In just 90 minutes, you can create a long-form, unique, Google-friendly article from scratch, with zero worries about Google penalties or plagiarism.
The post you just read? Yep – it was created with this process.
2. Subscribe to the AmpMyContent blog: I share in-depth case studies, guides and tutorials every month. All designed to help you get more from your efforts. Perfect for small teams and one man blogs who want maximum results.
3. Subscribe on YouTube: Watch video versions of all articles, as well as quick tips, advice, behind-the-scenes, and more.